DE Tickets

Thursday, July 29, 2010

How difficult is it to change a name on a flight ticket?

The flight ticket was purchased in my sister's name, but she cannot go, I will be taking her place, but I do not know if the ticket can be changed to my name. I am not a frequent flyer and I do not know about this stuff. Thank you

Answer 1 :
Sorry, you can't travel under someone else's name. Generally, the airlines don't allow "name changes" without a big penalty, if at all.

Answer 2 :
The short answer is Very Difficult! However, you can sometimes get lucky. Your best bet is to contact the airline via telephone, particularly if your sister travels with the airline regularly. If you contact enough people, you may find someone who will take pity on you! I think that's your best bet...

Answer 3 :
I would call the airline. Unless someone else can give you a more definitive answer than I can....

I would guess one of two things:
1) You cannot transfer the ticket (says they are non-transferrable in the contract portion of the ticket). Therefore, the ticket belongs to her. This doesn't mean unusable...what the airline usually does is lets her use it within 1 year, plus charge a $100 change fee.
2) Let you put your name on it for that $100 change fee.

My gut tells me #1 is the case, but I'm not 100% positive. Call the airline.

Answer 4 :
IT's basically impossible. call the airlines though, they may be able to help you, but i think the way it works is you would have to buy another ticket and the ticket in her name will go on her account as a credit only for her name.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Renting a car without a flight ticket. What are the best deals?

I am going on vacation in November and plan on driving out. It is about 3000 both ways. I am looking for some car rental deals that do not require a flight ticket. I have been searching and searching, but can't find anything that does not require a flight ticket. Anyone know of any? I am from the New England area. Thanks

Answer :
there are quite a few sites that you can search that will likely give you the best prices available. check out the website BookMe and you will be able to compare prices on all the reputable travel sites in just a couple minutes. it's very convenient and will save you a bunch of time and money. Also, make sure you buy them online... otherwise they charge much higher fees for phone orders. good luck.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

I can go to any airport to purchase a flight ticket?

I want to purchase my flight ticket from the airport because I want to pay by cash.

Answer 1 :
you can get by cash but You will trigger your boarding pass
to be coded with a special security code of SSSS
which means you have more thoroughly visit with the TSA agent
which they will frisk you, search all your carry-on, have you go though
a sniffer machine and possibly a body scanner (they might even search your baggage too)
all because you paid cash

Answer 2 :
You will need to check with the airline to see if they accept cash payment. Is there a reason why you don't want to buy your ticket online? Internet bookings are generally cheaper!

Visa has a VISA/DEBIT card product now that draws the funds directly out of your bank account to help people who do not want or can't get a credit card. Check it out at one of the major banks.

Answer 3 :
you can purchase at the ticket counter. Just call ahead to the origin airport and make sure that they sell tickets at that airport

Answer 4 :
you should be able to just call the airport first and make sure you can and that theirs room on the flight

Thursday, July 8, 2010

I need to change an existing return flight ticket to an open return.Can I do it since my travel plans changed?

I came over from South Africa on a return flight ticket.I do not plan to return there for about 2-3 years.Will I forfeit the money or can I change it.

Answer 1 :
Not for two years later, No. How much you paid will have a bearing on the conditions - the validity - of the ticket. Cheapest have usually a three month (sometimes 1 month) validity, next up, six months and next up 1 year. 1 year, from the date of the first flight is the best you can hope for. Normally, the only ticket you can get open is what is known as a full economy ticket or what is just under full economy
ticket, which is an expensive toy (and valid for one year). So, if you came over on a three month ticket, then you may be able to change the return, but only within that 3 month period. You should take the ticket to the office of the airline you bought the thing from and get them to verify what you can and cannot do with it. Do not part with the ticket and (please) only go to the airline office.

Answer 2 :
NOT POSSIBLE, airline tickets are valid for a maximum 12 months only on all IATA published fares. all tickets bought exceeding that period are basically the merging of two one way tickets. This is very expensive and you'd be better off buying a new ticket altogether.
Sorry to put a downer on it but I work for a on the ticket desk of a major UK based airline and deal with this stuff on a daily basis, so kinda know what i'm talking about.

Answer 3 :
Depends on the fare restrictions on the ticket, tho i very much doubt that any airline will let you leave it open ended up to 3 years, it would propbably be cheaper in the long run to purchase a new one.

Answer 4 :
You will need to speak to the airline. Different airlines have different policies and the tickets you purchased will also have an influence. However, I have never encountered a return ticket being valid for more than a year i.e. have never encountered an airline that allows return tickets to be used beyond a year. I think you may have lost your money.

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